
1 mar. 2009 au 19 mar. 2009

Monday to Wednesday, Friday: 10 am – 6 pm

Thursday: 10 am – 8 pm

Aula|University of Vienna|Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1|Vienna|1010|AT

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Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna

First time in Austria, IMAGINARY comes to Vienna for a three week exhibition. On March 2nd, the event is opened by Dr. Hahn, the Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research. During the opening ceremony, there is also a lecture by Prof. Herwig Hauser who has designed many of the algebraic surfaces IMAGINARY displays.

The Vienna exhibition features some additional evening lectures:

March 5th 2009, 7 pm: ”Quellen und Tücken der Anschauung” by Prof. Rudolf Taschner, Vienna University of Technology

March 12th 2009, 6 pm: ”Interaktive Exhibits aus dem HAUS DER MATHEMATIK” by Gerhard Lindbichler 

March 17th 2009, 7 pm: ”Was Sie immer schon ueber Möbius-Baender, Euler’s Charakter und Skelette wissen wollten” by Prof. Peter Michor, University of Vienna

March 19th 2009, 7 pm: ”Singularitäten in der algebraischen Geometrie” by Prof. Herwig Hauser, University of Vienna 

Tous les événements

1 mai. 2017 au 14 mai. 2017
27 avr. 2017 au 29 avr. 2017
25 avr. 2017 au 26 avr. 2017
24 avr. 2017 au 27 avr. 2017
17 avr. 2017 au 18 avr. 2017
6 avr. 2017 au 26 avr. 2017
1 avr. 2017 au 1 juil. 2017
22 mar. 2017 au 31 mar. 2017
13 mar. 2017 au 19 mar. 2017
10 fév. 2017 au 30 avr. 2017
8 fév. 2017 au 13 fév. 2017
6 fév. 2017 au 24 fév. 2017