Mathematics of Planet Earth exhibition at Imperial College


Mathematics of Planet Earth exhibition at Imperial College
28 mai. 2022 au 5 juin. 2022
Imperial College London|South Kensington Campus|Exhibition Road|London|SW7 2AZ|GB

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Maths of Planet Earth CDT at Imperial College London, hosts another successful Maths of Planet Earth exhibition, featuring IMAGINARYs MPE exhibits as well as different hands-on exhibits, such as the city model of Wetropolis.

About the exhibition

Mathematics of Planet Earth is an international exhibition displaying exhibits, videos and computer programs illustrating how mathematics plays a role in answering essential questions that concern our planet. Through a series of graphics, visualisations and hands-on experiments you will discover the contributions that mathematics makes to topics such as astronomy, fluid dynamics, seismology, glaciology and cartography. The MPE CDT will provide a number of activities and tours available for families and children of all ages.

More information on the event will be posted in due course.


Tous les événements

4 aoû. 2008 au 28 aoû. 2008
7 juil. 2008 au 30 juil. 2008
27 juin. 2008 au 4 juil. 2008
28 mai. 2008 au 25 juin. 2008
16 mai. 2008 au 25 mai. 2008
9 mar. 2008 au 10 avr. 2008
18 fév. 2008 au 5 mar. 2008
9 déc. 2007 au 17 Jan. 2008