MusKI @ Staatliche Realschule Geisenfeld


MusKI @ Staatliche Realschule Geisenfeld
21 déc. 2022 au 21 déc. 2022
Staatliche Realschule Geisenfeld|Forstamtstraße 13|Geisenfeld|85290|DE

Soumis par

As part of our “MusKI” project, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, we offer free workshops on the topic of artificial intelligence and music. Experience how humans and machines can creatively interact in music and discover their respective limits.

In this 90-minute online workshop, we will playfully explore different concepts of artificial intelligence (e. g. how a neural network works) and try out how we can make music together with an AI. For this we will use so-called Explorables. These are programs that run in the web browser, so they don’t need to be installed separately. Explorables have a simple interface and can be tried out without prior knowledge. Thus, an intuitive understanding of individual aspects of the topic can be achieved without resorting to prefabricated answers.

This workshop for a school is lead by IMAGINARY and organized in collaboration with KI Campus.


Tous les événements

1 oct. 2014 au 28 avr. 2015
20 sep. 2014 au 24 sep. 2014
17 sep. 2014 au 19 sep. 2014
15 sep. 2014 au 21 sep. 2014
5 sep. 2014
12 aoû. 2014 au 20 aoû. 2014
7 aoû. 2014 au 20 aoû. 2014
19 juil. 2014 au 10 aoû. 2014
18 juil. 2014 au 19 juil. 2014
30 juin. 2014 au 2 juil. 2014
20 juin. 2014 au 31 aoû. 2014
11 juin. 2014 au 15 juin. 2014
31 mai. 2014 au 30 déc. 2014
25 mai. 2014 au 30 déc. 2014
21 mai. 2014 au 24 mai. 2014
10 mai. 2014 au 11 mai. 2014