IMAGINARY at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, State University


IMAGINARY at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, State University
7 sep. 2015 au 21 sep. 2015

Opening: 7th September 2015, 12:15 PM

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (МФТИ)|9 Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny|Moscow Region,|141700|RU

Soumis par


German Embassy in Moscow
the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (МФТИ)
the German Science and Innovation House (DWIH)

The mathematical exhibition “IMAGINARY” took place in Dolgoprudny, a town in Moscow Region, from the 7th to the 21th of September 2015. The interactive travelling exhibition was organized this year by the German Embassy in Moscow and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). It was also supported by the German House for Science and Innovation (DWIH) within the frame of the “5th German-Russian Week of the young scientist”. The exhibition cough a lot of attention and was visited during the two weeks period by almost 2.000 students and scientists.


Tous les événements

28 mar. 2012 au 14 avr. 2012
22 mar. 2012 au 29 mar. 2013
14 mar. 2012 au 27 avr. 2012
9 fév. 2012 au 7 mar. 2012
19 déc. 2011 au 5 fév. 2012
17 nov. 2011 au 13 déc. 2011
16 oct. 2011 au 11 nov. 2011
14 sep. 2011 au 11 oct. 2011
16 aoû. 2011 au 19 aoû. 2011
14 juil. 2011 au 14 aoû. 2011
30 juin. 2011 au 31 aoû. 2011
2 juin. 2011 au 24 juin. 2011
1 juin. 2011 au 18 juin. 2011
29 mai. 2011 au 11 juin. 2011
3 mai. 2011 au 26 mai. 2011
29 mar. 2011 au 27 avr. 2011
24 fév. 2011 au 23 mar. 2011
26 Jan. 2011 au 17 fév. 2011
19 Jan. 2011 au 20 nov. 2011