IMAGINARY URUGUAY - a mathematical journey


IMAGINARY URUGUAY - a mathematical journey
2015년 9월 11일 년월일 부터 2015년 9월 26일 년월일 까지

Monday - Friday 10 AM - 6 PM

Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM 

Complejo Cultural Muralla Abierta|Museo de las Migraciones|Bartolomé Mitre 1550|Montevideo|11000|UY



"IMAGINARY URUGUAY - un viaje por la matemática" es un proyecto de los 25 años de la Facultad de Ciencias que surge con el apoyo de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII) a través del Fondo de Popularización de la Ciencia, otorgado en 2015.


IMAGINARY URUGUAY- a mathematical journey” is an exhibition organised by the Science Faculty in Montevideo. It will be shown from September 11 tol 26 in the Complejo Cultural Muralla Abierta, Museo de las Migraciones, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Do you want to schedule a visit with your school class?
Please send an email to museo.migraciones@imm.
or call 2916 53 16.

If you are a student or teacher and you are interested in working as exhibition guides, please contact us!

Contact email:

The idea of this exhibition is to display visualizations, interactive installations, virtual realities, 3D objects and their theoretical background in algebraic geometry and in singularity theory in an attractive and understandable manner. It’s a unique science experience, shown for the first time in Uruguay!

IMAGINARY offers a big variety of material free to use in schools, museums and private homes. Thus the community is motivated to participate and join the exhibition with new and novel ideas.

IMAGINARY URUGUAY presents new contents at the international IMAGINARY exhibition, which are entirely produced in Uruguay. Collaboration partners are: Facultades de Arquitectura, Ciencias, and Ingeniería of the Universidad de la República and Plan Ceibal.

IMAGINARY – through the eyes of mathematics” is an interactive traveling exhibition by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach originally developed for the Year of Mathematics 2008 in Germany. The exhibition IMAGINARY was shown more than 130 times in 30 countries and 20 languages and attracted more than 2 million visitors. 

For more details please have a look at the Spanish project page of “IMAGINARY Uruguay”. 

모든 행사

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