MCN Press release. Snapshots of modern mathematics.

19 Nov. 2015

Dear math communicator,

We are forwarding you the press release of the “snapshots of modern mathematics” from the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), in relation to the IMAGINARY project. Snapshots are short texts on aspects of current research in mathematics written by researchers visiting the MFO. They are edited for accessibility and understandability.

Snapshots are published in English and some also in German, but translations to other languages are welcome and undertaken by the community. The full text of the snapshots is offered under an open license to re-publication in any media (individually or in a regular basis). New Snapshots will appear at a rate of 1-2 each month (always fresh from Oberwolfach workshops).

We invite you to have a look on the snapshots, and see if it can be of any use in your project (to be included in your publications, to be distributed at your museum, to get in contact with especialists on some branch of mathematics, or just to learn about new trends in mathematics).

See as an example the Snapshots “Billiards and flat surfaces” or “Drugs, herbicides, and numerical simulation”.

(Note: Press releases removed on 12.3.2019)

For more infomation, write to or to

If you know of a similar project (texts on current mathematical results produced by researchers for a more general audience), please let us know, so we can also announce them in our upcoming newsletter. See for example:

SIAM-nuggets (http://connect. or Madd-Spots (http://maddmaths.  
