MathLapse Festival - deadline for submissions extended to June 14

MathLapse Festival - deadline for submissions extended to June 14
25 Mai. 2016
The deadline for our MathLapse competition will be extended to June 14, 2016!

A first MathLapse-Festival will be organized at the IMAGINARY conference (IC16), where the winners will be announced and their MathLapse movies will be screened. It is not necessary to participate at the IC16 conference. The MathLapse trailer was created by Guillaume Jouvet, the chair of the MathLapse prize jury:

A MathLapse (ML) is short, simple, self-contained and creative, and it should illustrate a single mathematical idea through true or virtual animated images. The content of a ML is diverse. For example, it can be a geometric animation or a time-lapse video that comes with mathematical equations and/or concise explanations. Here are two examples:

We already received several submissions. You can go to the user section for films at the IMAGINARY platform and have a look at the contributions (they all have the word MathLapse included in the title). We would like to share a couple of them here with you:

Spiral of Theodorus by Christian Gaier
Patterns of Nature by Curvilinea
Stamping a Rosette by Atractor
A snapshot of each ML can be seen on top of this news message.

How to submit your MathLapse
  1. publish your film on a video hosting platform (YouTube, vimeo …). The title of your ML should contain the word “MathLapse”
  2. register at the IMAGINARY platform
  3. go to add film
  4. add the web link and a small description of the film

For detailed information on the rules, format and length please visit the MathLapse website. Each ML shall be licensed under an open license, i. e. creative commons license, so make sure you only use material (images, music, …) that suits this license.

We invite you to try out this new video format of maths communication yourself and spread the word to your friends and colleagues. The best MathLapses will be awarded by our jury and showcased during the IMAGINARY conference.

Please join us at the IMAGINARY Conference (IC16)! We are working on the final program. If you have not yet done so, please register now for IC16. It will help us to assign the workshops (some are almost booked out), plan child care and conference dinner. We encourage early registration, since we only have space for 150 participants.

We are excited for new MathLapse submissions and to see you at IC16!


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