EMS Session on Public Awareness of Mathematics at 7ECM


EMS Session on Public Awareness of Mathematics at 7ECM
20 Jul. 2016 bis 20 Jul. 2016

16:30 till 18:30

TU Berlin|Straße des 17. Juni|Berlin|10623|DE

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In the special session on Public Awareness of Mathematics by the European Mathematical Society (RPA Committee) at the 7ECM conference in Berlin, a talk will be given on “How to organise interactive mathematics exhibitions” based on IMAGINARY with a special presentation on the IMAGINARY Turkey projects. The talk will be given by the RPA committee members Andreas Matt (also IMAGINARY) and Betül Tanbay.

Public awareness is a crucial issue for modern mathematics. If mathematics is a fundamental discipline for our society, on the other hand the great majority of people is unaware of the ideas and the achievements of mathematics. This event, promoted by the Raising Public Awareness Committee of the European Mathematical, is intended to provide an overview of the activities of the committee and also to give some suggestions for possible activities to be developed in each country. The new improved site Mathematics in Europe will be presented, as well as the possibilities of future collaborations. Some reports about Math Fairs and Math Exhibitions will be also discussed. Contact person for the whole event is Roberto Natalini.

The talk will be given iat the 7ECM n H2023 starting at 16:30.


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