A playdate with Cinderella - Workshop at the Bridges Family Day


A playdate with Cinderella - Workshop at the Bridges Family Day
12 Aug. 2016 bis 12 Aug. 2016

Room B213.1

two sessions:

2 pm - 4 pm

4 pm - 6 pm

University of Jyväskylä|Agora Building|Seminaarinkatu 13|Jyväskylä|40014|FI

Erstellt von


Bianca Violet
Mariana Pereira
Kristóf Fenyvesi

Can mathematics be playful, can it be fun? Can mathematics be intriguing, attractive, amazing and magical, even for those who did not think it was the most inspiring class at school? At Bridges Public Day we give it try: so, come and experience it yourself!

We will explore 10 interactive math games based on the Cinderella applets by Jürgen Richter-Gebert. All experiments are easily drawn on your computer screen with the mouse and get alive with a single click. You can simulate a fish swarm, draw ornaments, manoeuvre cars out of an overcrowded parking lot, operate a double pendulum, and much more. Younger participants will enjoy the game-like feel of the applets, while there is also mathematical content to be explored for anyone who is interested. The workshop aims at an intuitive understanding of the math behind some everyday situations and fun phenomena. It is suitable for all ages and a great family attraction.


Alle Events

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7 Sep. 2008 bis 25 Sep. 2008
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16 Mai. 2008 bis 25 Mai. 2008
9 Mär. 2008 bis 10 Apr. 2008
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9 Dez. 2007 bis 17 Jan. 2008