UNESCO, MPE and IMAGINARY organize interactive open source exhibitions in Africa

UNESCO, MPE and IMAGINARY organize interactive open source exhibitions in Africa
5 Jul. 2015

We are very happy to share the good news with you!

At the opening of the Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) exhibition in Heidelberg today, a new collaboration project was announced: UNESCO’s International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP) joins hands with the MPE initiative and IMAGINARY, to bring this successful exhibition to African countries. In a one year long project starting in fall 2015, the exhibition will be extended and translated to local languages and offered to partners in Africa. African universities, research institutes, schools and learned societies are invited to stage the exhibition. A highlight will be the Mathematics of Planet Earth exhibition at the first Next Einstein Forum, to be held in March 2016 in Dakar, Senegal. Further exhibitions are planned in countries like Gabon, Togo, Tanzania and Sudan. 

Find more information in the press release below.

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Join the second IMAGINARY conference on open and collaborative communication of mathematical research!

From December 5 to 8, 2018 in Mondevideo, Uruguay. Register before November 15th !

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