Three events on this fall for maths and science communicators!

27 aoû. 2018

Dear math communicator,

Three main conferences on math outreach are happening in the next few months. Don’t forget to register!


Steam-Hub Conference (Berlin, Germany, 18 - 19 October 2018)

Let’s talk about innovation and science communication! Why do we need innovations? Are there changes that we long for? Are there things we want to improve in STEAM communication?

IMAGINARY is leading the project STEAM Hub - a networking accelerator to initiate new collaborations between researchers, science communicators, educators, artists and SMEs. The initiative is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Please dedicate 10-15 min and answer our questions. Click here to start the survey. Thank you for your participation!

There will be a two-day conference on 18-19 October with workshops, panels and networking opportunities to reflect on the future of STEAM communication. The results of this survey will be presented at the conference. Register on the website to participate.

If you are interested in the final results of this research, please write us an email at (and don’t forget to fill in the survey first). We are very happy to share our insights.

3rd MATRIX Conference (Barcelona, Spain, 29 - 31 October 2018)

Enter the MATRIX! The Museum of Mathematics (MoMath, New York, USA) and the Museu de Matemàtiques de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) invite all professionals of math communication to the 3rd MATRIX International Conference on math museums and math outreach. Sign in for 3 inspiring conferences, 2 open conferences, 16 conversation groups, 2 museum visits and 200 expected participants. MATRIX = Mathematics Awareness, Training, Resource & Information eXchange.  Registration until September 16th.


IMAGINARY Conference IC18 (Montevideo, Uruguay, 5 - 8 December 2018)

What is the future of mathematics communication? What does successful knowledge transfer in mathematics look like? What are its modern tools, concepts, and strategies? How can the public be involved in a meaningful way?

The IMAGINARY Conference on Open and Collaborative Communication of Mathematical Research 2018 (IC18) is an interdisciplinary gathering of mathematicians, communicators and interested professionals who wish to discuss and work together on current issues of communication and knowledge transfer in mathematics. In contrast to a classical conference, IC18 will take a participative and collaborative approach in order to advance new ideas, bring forward concrete results and help shape the future of mathematics communication.

Still accepting submissions for talks and workshops!



The Math Communication Network is a project initiated by IMAGINARY aimed at professionals of math outreach. Learn more about it on the project website. For any issues about the network, you can email to or Daniel Ramos at

IMAGINARY  is a non-profit organisation for interactive and open mathematics. It was initiated at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), an institute of the Leibniz Association. Please read our privacy policy and legal notice.