

IMAGINARY is a non-profit organisation (German gGmbH) for the communication of modern mathematics. It offers a platform for open and interactive mathematics with a variety of content that can be used in schools, at home, in museums, at exhibitions, or for events and media activities. The main contents of IMAGINARY are its interactive programs and its picture galleries. Have a look at our detailed about page with a history of our organization and project milestones. 

The platform allows easy integration of new content, for example of additional mathematical subjects or exhibitions. One main goal of IMAGINARY is to enable you, the community, to participate, and to get involved with your own ideas. The core idea is that exhibits are created within the community and exhibitions are organized independently.

This concept and the platform grew from our initial IMAGINARY exhibition, which started in 2008 and has since then been shown in more than 160 cities all around the world.

IMAGINARY was initiated at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), an institute of the Leibniz Association. The MFO is a shareholder of IMAGINARY.