
Quantum Arcade


Quantum Arcade




Andreas Matt (IMAGINARY)
Erika Roldan (SCADS, MPI)
Christian Stussak
Skye Rothstein
Alvaro Diaz Ruelas
Avec le soutien de: 
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), Germany

Quantum Arcade: we develop two video games for communicating mathematical concepts of Quantum Computing. They will be presented in Arcade Machines and will tour Germany.

One video game will be a classical arcade game, and another will be a puzzle-adventure game. Both games will be openly licensed. We will conduct workshops on the games and evaluate their impact on different audiences.


Quantum computing has gained global attention over the past two decades and is considered a transformative future technology. To familiarize the general public, particularly young people, with the foundational mathematical concepts and ideas behind quantum computing— and to encourage their participation — a low-threshold, audience-oriented approach is essential.

Goals and Approach

Our goal is to communicate the mathematical core concepts of quantum computing through games. We are developing two computer games: a skill-based platformer and a puzzle game. These will be presented as arcade machines in museums, public spaces, and events such as major video game conventions. The games will be accompanied by workshops featuring coding and co-creation components. Additionally, the project includes an openly published evaluation of knowledge transfer right from the beginning.

Innovation and Perspectives

The project’s innovation lies in transferring knowledge through arcade machines featuring computer games and showcasing these machines in museums and at a gaming convention. The computer games and workshop curriculum are openly licensed, allowing for further development and reuse of the content, including in participatory workshops, by museums and other multipliers. The project will be evaluated with input from the target audience from the outset. All content will be shared at international conferences and through partner networks.


This project is part of the program “Quantum aktiv – Outreach-Konzepte und Open Innovation für Quantentechnologien” by the BMBF.