IMAGINARY Newsletter #1

18 avr. 2013
Welcome to the new IMAGINARY platform and newsletter!

We are very happy with the impact our platform launch on March 5 had, including having to switch servers during the first day because of the amount of users exploring the platform. We would like to thank those who provided content and the media who covered the event for helping us achieve such a successful launch, and we would like to specially thank you, the IMAGINARY users, for you interest in joining the community.

This newsletter will be our semi-periodical means of communication with you, and will allow us to show you the highlights of what is being produced by the community.


  Table of Content
  • Highlighted Content
  • Events and Exhibitions
  • Ongoing Discussions
  • We want you!
  • What comes next?
  • Special Note on User/Privacy Settings
  Highlighted Content

We would like to start by showcasing a “classical” gallery by Ulrich Pinkall, Nicholas Schmitt, Charles Gunn and Tim Hoffmann. Their images are part of the original IMAGINARY exhibition from 2008. They are not only beautiful surfaces, but are also accompanied by explanations.



Have you seen the new “Super Symmetry” gallery by Michael Jantzen? Michael describes it as “…a series of my digital photos that are derived from images of physical models that I make of my architectural designs. In most cases, the original image is manipulated with a computer in order to create a new image.” and “In every case, the objective is to create images that celebrate the beauty of complexity.” Here you can see some sample images:


And remember that the winning content from the Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) exhibition is available on the platform. You can now download the software “The Sphere of the Earth” (1st prize winner), download the “Dune Ash” simulation (2nd prize) or watch the movie “The future of glaciers” (3rd prize winner), which is available in English, German and French. All of them are hosted at the MPE exhibition page together with other exhibition modules. Please also note that the exhibition is open for new contributions!

  Events and Exhibitions

March 15 - May 16. The RSME-IMAGINARY exhibition in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, can be visited until mid May.

April 4 - June 2. The “Sense of Scale, Measure by Color: Art, Science, and Mathematics of Planet Earth” exhibition includes MPE2013 exhibits and is taking place at Bowdoin College Museum of Art, at Brunswick, Maine, USA.

April 5 - August 31. IMAGINARY visits Denmark for the first time. The Steno Museum in Aarhus shows a special gallery of pictures and sculptures. 

April 22 - 29. A new IMAGINARY exhibition in Russia, this time in Puschtschino, has just taken place. You can see some pictures on the event page.

May 4 - Jan 5/2014. The phæno museum in Wolfsburg, Germany, hosts the special exhibition “Mathe x anders - Die Magie der Formen und Muster” showing more than 30 interactive stations with focus on geometric forms and solids.

July 27 - 31. IMAGINARY will be part of the Bridges Conference 2013 in Entscheide, Netherlands. Two papers will be presented.

  Ongoing Discussions

In case you have not noticed yet: the platform also features a Discussion Forum. Do you have some experience you want to share with the community? Maybe you need to solve some problem regarding an exhibition, and you would like to know other people’s opinions? Or do you have some philosophical question regarding math and art and you would love to discuss the issue with like-minded individuals? Then just enter the discussion!

  We want you!

IMAGINARY is a community driven project. It would not exists if it were not for the contributions we get from every participant. Is there some material you would like to upload, maybe some images or a film? Are you planning on making a new exhibition? Please share your content and information by uploading it on the platform. Uploading is easy, it can be done via the “Add/view own content link” once you are registered and logged in.

Do you have suggestions to improve the platform, comments, or ideas. Have you found some bug or problem? Don’t hesitate to contact us through the contact form, or by email to We like to hear from you!

You can also join our facebook page and receive frequent news and updates.

  What comes next?

There are many things on our current roadmap. At the moment we are working on fixing bugs at the platform and improving it. Many of these improvements come from your comments, please keep sending them.

  • We hope to have translations of the platform soon. This means not only having the platform available in different languages, but also allowing users to upload different language versions of their contents.

  • A book on Surfer is in the works. Check the page to see if you would like to participate, it’s an active project which has already many collaborators, and we expect to finish it in the next few months.

Special Note on User/Privacy Settings

This newsletter goes to the registered users of the new platform, the newsletter subscribers of the former IMAGINARY website and everybody who subscribes to it. You can unsubscribe by clicking on the link below or - if you are registered as a user - change your newsletter settigs by editing your account profile. As a registered user you can allow other users to contact you through a contact form (not showing your email) on your user account page. To enable this contact form, go to your account (link on the top right of the page) and edit it. Then scroll to the bottom, and check the “Personal contact form” option.


IMAGINARY — open mathematics” is a project by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach and supported by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung.

 Please read our privacy policy and legal notice.