Calling for music specific exhibits

Calling for music specific exhibits
1 Mar. 2018
Solve for x!
Sound + Mathematics + x = Music
For over 10 years IMAGINARY has employed interactive exhibits that bring mathematics communication to all corners of the world; such as “IMAGINARY- through the eyes of mathematics” and “Mathematics of Planet Earth”. Now we are broadening our range of topics and are calling for music specific exhibits.

We are addressing all math lovers, musicians, developers, citizen scientists - everybody: Have you developed, or are you working on an exhibit about math and music? Are you an artist creating music somehow inspired by mathematics? Are you an engineer who invented a musical instrument? Do you have a concept on a math-music exhibit such as apps, software, games, pictures, hands-on experiments, that would keep the visitors humming and swinging? Are you using or consent to use an open source (for software) or Creative Commons (for content) license?

Is your answer to any of this questions ‘yes’? Then let us know! IMAGINARY is calling for open source samples explaining, demonstrating and displaying the relationship between mathematics and music. From the earliest times scholars of all eras researched on the connection of these two disciplines. As modern mathematics becomes an integral part of cutting-edge technologies with analysis, modelling and computation there are also new insights into this relationship and novel ways to display it.

We are looking for contributions for our upcoming exhibition on mathematics and music, opening in spring 2019. With your participation, you will be part of one of the first crowdsourced exhibitions.

Write to us to and tell us what you’re working on. We would love to hear from you!

This is an open call until July 31, 2018.

And to stay up to date on news about our math&music exhibition The Sound of Mathematics, have a look at the project page where we will post news and progress information.



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10 Kas. 2015

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5 Tem. 2015
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