We celebrate 10 years of IMAGINARY!

We celebrate 10 years of IMAGINARY!
18 Dez. 2017

The IMAGINARY journey began in 2007 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. Nobody could foresee (or had the slightest clue) that it would grow to be a 10 years+ journey of maths communication with an international, interactive, research-based and open-source core!

IMAGINARY developed from a one-country traveling exhibition project (2007‑2008); to an expanding international exhibition (2009‑2012); to an open-source platform (2013); to creating school projects, a community a network, organizing competitions, conferences, workshops, teacher trainings, and experimenting with new technologies (2014‑2016); and to founding our organization (2017). We often wondered: what will IMAGINARY be or do next year? We continued creating, and sharing our love for maths and people.

Today, after 10 years, we are happy and proud to have invented an open-source infrastructure for maths exhibits and exhibitions, which is spreading globally. Through IMAGINARY, hundreds of mathematicians have become exhibition organizers and have engaged with several million visitors! With over 300 events in more than 50 countries, great exhibits in 30 languages, and a growing community of contributors, we can only thank you!

We are still wondering: What will be next? Thank you all for being part of this amazing journey.

We prepared a special website for our anniversary. Please visit:

http://10years. imaginary.org/

and watch our new video, scroll through the timeline and find out some exciting news!

Your IMAGINARY team.


All News

10 Nov. 2015

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29 Jun. 2015

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23 Apr. 2015

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1 Apr. 2015

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