Mathematics for a better World - IDM 2021

Mathematics for a better World - IDM 2021
12 Mär. 2021

On March 14, the International Day of Mathematics will be celebrated worldwide under the theme “Mathematics for a Better World”.

Organized by the International Mathematics Union, the IDM includes a mixture of virtual and face-to-face celebrations in 2021, on all continents: from Madagascar to Gambia, from Panama to Chile, from Albania to Malaysia, from Bangladesh to Australia, people all over the world (in more than 70 countries with over 410 individual events) are organizing festivities. 

Our live celebration of the International Day of Mathematics will take place in the IDM website, and you’re invited!

An international live celebration in three languages (English, French and Spanish) will take place on March 14, 14:00 to 18:00 UTC. And all through the 48 hours of celebration (from its start as March 14 begins in Oceania) we will be liveblogging pictures and videos from IDM events worldwide, posters, announcements and more. Join in on March 14 by posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtag #idm314 and tagging the official IDM account.

This year’s topic of the IDM is ‘Mathematics for a better world’. Visit the Mathematics for a Better World website for many examples of how mathematics contributes to a better world.

The new feature of IDM 2021 is the Poster Challenge: more than 2100 schools and organizations have drawn their own IDM poster to illustrate one facet of the theme “Mathematics for a Better World”. The posters are available to all under an open licence. A gallery of the best ones is online here (more to be revealed within the live-blog):

For the IDM 2021 and its theme Mathematics for a Better World we joined hands with partner organizations in Algeria, Senegal, and the Republic of Congo to plan and organize a series of online events with panel discussions, talks, interactive workshops, mathematical games, classroom activities, competitions, teacher trainings, etc.
The events will take place from March 10 to March 26, 2021 and are held in French, English, and Arabic (see details here).

The press release is available in the languages en, tr, pt, es, kr, fr here.

Happy International Day of Mathematics!


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