Inauguración de una instalación permanente de IMAGINARY en Frankfurt

Inauguración de una instalación permanente de IMAGINARY en Frankfurt
5 Jun. 2013

¡Las matemáticas son bellas! El 6 de junio, a las 11 de la mañana, se presentaron dos nuevas terminales en el centro de ciencia EXPERIMINTA de Frankfurt, en Alemania. Asistieron a la inauguración el profesor Oldenburg, de la Universidad Goethe de Frankfurt y el doctor Matt del Instituto de Matemáticas de Oberwolfach. Las dos terminales están acompañadas de una galería de visualizaciones de bellas superficies algebraicas y de otras imágenes de arte matemático.  Esta nueva instalación IMAGINARY estará permanentemente  desplegada en el centro de ciencia.

En la página web de la instalación puede encontrar más información e imágenes.


Todas las noticias

16 Feb. 2019
Call for Partners and Exhibits

IMAGINARY is creating a new exhibition, which aims to bring understanding about Artificial Intelligence to the general public. We are looking for partners and collaborators with interesting projects that can be turned into exhibits and works of art.

The exhibition, supported by the...Leer más

14 Feb. 2019

There are no formulas for love…

… but there is a formula that produces an algebraic surface shaped like a heart.

Check the article on IMAGINARY’s Valentine special on the New York Times!!!

Visit our...Leer más

17 Dic. 2018

TROP ICSU: A Global Climate Change Education Project” aims to integrate relevant education and science communication modules in the education system to help future citizens across the globe in improving their understanding of the science of climate change and in developing necessary skills to mitigate its impact.

For this, the TROP ICSU...Leer más

5 Nov. 2018

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are among the most important current scientific topics with an enormous potential and importance for our future. Their key methods, their current research and their scope and implications for society have to be explored in an open, participatory and interdisciplinary way, involving both experts and the general public, in order to...Leer más

4 Nov. 2018

Join the second IMAGINARY conference on open and collaborative communication of mathematical research!

From December 5 to 8, 2018 in Mondevideo, Uruguay. Register before November 15th !

The IMAGINARY Conference on Open and Collaborative...Leer más
