IMAGINARY in Springer Book

IMAGINARY in Springer Book
11 Sep. 2012

IMAGINARY is part of the new book “Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics” by Springer: in the article “Mathematics Between Research, Applications, and Communication” by Gert-Martin Greuel and in the article “IMAGINARY and the Open Source Math Exhibition Platform” by Andreas Matt. It is also mentioned in several articles, as for example in the article on the website or in the article on the German Year of Mathematics. In the book you will find an exhaustive case study and many ideas on how to communicate maths to a broad public! More info at the Springer page.


Todas las noticias

10 Nov. 2015

Las instantáneas son artículos cortos y de fácil comprensión sobre temas recientes de investigación matemática. Describen problemas e ideas matemáticas de un modo accesible y comprensible, y arrojan luz sobre los temas de actualidad en la comunidad matemática a cualquiera que esté interesado en la matemática contemporánea.

Las instantáneas están escritas por verdaderos expertos en sus campos. En el Instituto de...Leer más

5 Jul. 2015

We are very happy to share the good news with you!

At the opening of the Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) exhibition in Heidelberg today, a new collaboration project was announced:...Leer más

29 Jun. 2015

We have two big exhibition openings coming up in early July!

On July 5, the “Mathematics of Planet Earth” exhibition will open at Karlstorbahnhof in Heidelberg, Germany! It runs from July 5 to Aug 2, 2015, and offers a big variety of exciting adventures for children and adults alike. This exhibition is organized by the...Leer más

23 Abr. 2015

Thanks to the work of the NIMS-IMAGINARY team at CAMP, we now present the whole IMAGINARY platform in Korean, hoping to attract more of the Korean public interested in mathematics.Leer más

1 Abr. 2015

It is with great sadness that we announce that Klaus Tschira died unexpectedly on March 31, 2015, aged 74 years.
He was a friend and big supporter of IMAGINARY. His death is a great loss to all who knew him and for science that he so passionately promoted.Leer más
