Village "Des chiffres et vous - déchiffrez-vous!", Clermont-Ferrand


Village "Des chiffres et vous - déchiffrez-vous!", Clermont-Ferrand
16 Jun. 2017 hasta 17 Jul. 2017

10:00 - 18:30

Place de la Victoire|Clermont-Ferrand|FR

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Con el apoyo de: 
- Association A.R.T.S. (Clermont-Ferrand) - Laboratoire de mathématiques Blaise Pascal (LMBP, UMR 6620 CNRS / Université Clermont-Auvergne) - Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay (UMR 8628 CNRS / Université Paris-Sud) - Bibliothèque Math-Info-Recherche (Bib MIR, Jussieu, Université Paris 6) - Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris) - OpenDreamKit (Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructures project #676541)

Mathematics exhibition in the city of Blaise Pascal

IMAGINARY France held a booth called “Imaginer les mathématiques!” in the Village “Des chiffres et vous — déchiffrez-vous!”, an exhibition about mathematics on place de la Victoire in Clermont-Ferrand.

With the SURFER software, interact with the link between formulas and shapes, in other words between art and mathematics. You can write simple equations wuich produce beautiful images representing surfaces in space. Mappae Mundi will allow you to travel the world through its various representations by maps. You will discover that all maps are false! Should we nevertheless sacrifice everything when representing Earth on a map? In case of a volcanic eruptions in Clermont-Ferrand, how will the ashes spread? Discover it with Dune Ash!


Todos los eventos

24 Sep. 2008 hasta 20 Oct. 2008
7 Sep. 2008 hasta 25 Sep. 2008
4 Ago. 2008 hasta 28 Ago. 2008
7 Jul. 2008 hasta 30 Jul. 2008
27 Jun. 2008 hasta 4 Jul. 2008
28 Mayo. 2008 hasta 25 Jun. 2008
16 Mayo. 2008 hasta 25 Mayo. 2008
9 Mar. 2008 hasta 10 Abr. 2008
18 Feb. 2008 hasta 5 Mar. 2008
9 Dic. 2007 hasta 17 Ene. 2008