Imaginary - Magical Mathematical Projections in Belgrade


Imaginary - Magical Mathematical Projections in Belgrade
18 Mayo. 2019 hasta 21 Mayo. 2019

Enviado por

Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, will present interactive demonstrations Imaginary - Magical Mathematical Projections in Belgrade within the event ”May, Month of Mathematics” organised by Center for promotion of science, Serbia.


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25 Sep. 2021 hasta 25 Jun. 2022
22 Sep. 2021 hasta 19 Dic. 2021
13 Sep. 2021 hasta 17 Sep. 2021
8 Sep. 2021 hasta 9 Sep. 2021
24 Ago. 2021 hasta 5 Mar. 2023
4 Ago. 2021 hasta 28 Ago. 2021
2 Ago. 2021 hasta 6 Ago. 2021
26 Jul. 2021 hasta 30 Jul. 2021
9 Jun. 2021 hasta 11 Jun. 2021