Wellen - Tauch ein!


Wellen - Tauch ein!
24 Ago. 2021 hasta 5 Mar. 2023

9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

10am - 4pm (Sunday)


ETH Zürich focusTerra Gebäude NO|Sonneggstrasse 5|Zürich|8092|CH

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The new focusTerra exhibition invites you to playfully discover the meaning, beauty, and power of waves with all your senses with large-format, colorful illustrations and many hands-on exhibits.

We are constantly and everywhere surrounded by waves, even if we can only perceive some of them: water waves, sound waves, earthquake waves, light. Waves are not only omnipresent in our lives. They are also used for various applications - be it in medicine, for communication, when looking into the earth, or in navigation.

The exhibition also features two exhibits from our exhibition “La La Lab - the Mathematics of Music” exhibition: Scale Lab and Spectrum of Sound by Jürgen Richter-Gebert from the Technical University of Munich.


Todos los eventos

19 Jul. 2016 hasta 24 Jul. 2016
10 Jun. 2016 hasta 18 Jun. 2016
9 Jun. 2016 hasta 10 Jul. 2016
2 Jun. 2016 hasta 31 Ago. 2016
23 Mayo. 2016 hasta 30 Mayo. 2016
19 Mayo. 2016 hasta 21 Mayo. 2016
14 Mayo. 2016 hasta 22 Mayo. 2016
13 Mayo. 2016 hasta 10 Jul. 2016
9 Mayo. 2016 hasta 31 Mayo. 2016
19 Abr. 2016 hasta 3 Jun. 2016
11 Abr. 2016 hasta 29 Abr. 2016
8 Abr. 2016 hasta 24 Abr. 2016
8 Abr. 2016 hasta 31 Mayo. 2016
18 Mar. 2016 hasta 1 Mayo. 2016