IMAGINARY Israel announced

IMAGINARY Israel announced
9 Feb. 2015

On the occasion of the 50 year long diplomatic relations between Germany and Israel, the project IMAGINARY Israel by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) will be announced in conjuction with a visit by German Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka at the Weizmann Institute of Science on Feburary 10. The project consists of two mathematics exhibitions for the general public and two workshops mainly for young mathematicians from Germany and Israel.

Within this project, IMAGINARY is given the opportunity to collaborate with an excellent science communication center (the Clore Garden of Science The Davidson Institute of Science Education, the Weizmann Institute of Science) in order to share experiences in staging inspiring exhibitions and communicating current mathematics research to the general public. The collaboration will lead to the first ever IMAGINARY exhibition being shown in Israel during the summer of 2015 at the Clore Garden of Science in Rehovot , followed by a second exhibition shown in Tel Aviv towards the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016. 

Watch out for the exact date announcements of the two planned exhibitions!

We are pleased to announce that IMAGINARY Israel has received funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is organized within the “Research in Germany” campaign of the BMBF, with the aim of strengthening the traditionally very good mathematical research collaborations between the two countries.


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