IMAGINARY in Turkey and in Turkish

IMAGINARY in Turkey and in Turkish
20 Feb. 2015

IMAGINARY is part of the German-Turkish Year of Science, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF). Its idea is to strengthen scientific ties between the two countries through jointly organizing mathematics exhibitions and through networking in the field of mathematics communication.

Today, we launch the Turkish version of the IMAGINARY platform. You can now switch to “Türkçe” using the language selector on top of the page or open the Turkish version of IMAGINARY directly through: www.

Within the project, we will also translate some of the available software and exhibits. There will be several interactive exhibitions in Turkey, the first one opening April 29 in Istanbul, followed by a second exhibition in Istanbul opening in May, and one in Izmir in October. There are further plans for exhibitions in Ankara and Diyarbakır, as well as school projects and media events. We want to connect scientific and public partners and to establish long term collaborations.

Mathematicians, scientists in different fields, politicians, students, the math interested public and media are invited to contribute to the activities. If you are interested in a collaboration, please contact us at

We would also like to point your attention to the project Matematik Kafasi, which is a question-answer based platform aimed at the Turkish speaking math community. The aim of the project is to produce high quality math content in Turkish and to bring together math fans in a dynamic online environment.



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