Exhibition "Beauty and power of mathematics" – posters
“IMAGINARY: Pracht en kracht van wiskunde” (“IMAGINARY: Beauty and power of mathematics”) was a traveling exhibition in the Netherlands and Belgium from June 2022 until July 2023.
The exhibition was organized by the Dutch Platform for Mathematics and the Flanders Platform for Mathematics. It featured top-quality posters, 3D objects, puzzle setups, and interactive apps that visitors could engage with using large touchscreens.
This gallery presents posters from the exhibition in English. The Dutch posters, separate photos, InDesign files, and more are available as downloads.
Posters from the gallery of Herwig Hauser were also shown in this exhibition.
The online version of the exhibition catalog (in Dutch) is available here.
For more information about the exhibition, visit the Dutch and the Belgian exhibition websites.
All content of this gallery is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0.

Healthy Care

Big Data

Biomedical Image Processing

Black Hole

Mathematics Improves Care of Burns

Aortic Stent and Miura-ori

Computational Linguistics

Financial Markets

James Webb Telescope

Crumple Origami
Crumpling video by Henk van der Vorst (in English).


Starquakes in Mimosa

Textile Origami

Travelling Salesman

From Tweets to Communication Networks