The Graph Composer
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Insert new nodes and connect them. Change the corresponding sound by clicking on the node and select a new note from the scale. Define the note’s duration and apply the different embellishments. You can hear the results in real time.
You can compose music through the design of a graph. A graph (sometimes referred to as a network) is a mathematical object consisting of a set of vertices (or nodes) and edges that connect them. Each vertex can have several attributes or value depending on what is being modelled. The edges can be directed or undirected, but this is an example of a directed graph. In this exhibit, each vertex represents a note and its duration over time. The edges connecting the vertices define a path. This path corresponds to the order in which the notes are played, random paths will be chosen if the graph allows it. The sound that can be heard at each vertex can change according to its embellishment: single notes, chords and arpeggios.