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Linear Algebra III - part B
Genel arkaplan malzemesi
Linear Algebra III - part B
This digital publication is availbale in German and contains the unfinished last parts of lecture notes to a course given by Egbert Brieskorn in the 1980s at the University of Bonn, edited from the Nachlass. In these lectures Brieskorn merged modern presentations of Linear Algebra with topics of classical geometry more closely than usual at the time and probably also today. The central subjects of the present volume are the Theory of Polyhedra and Geometrical Crystallography. These subjects are presented in a way which is suited to build a passage from the introductory lectures on Linear Algebra to more demanding topics of mathematics and its applications.
Please find part A of Linear Algebra III here.
Matematiksel konular
Cebir ve Sayılar Kuramı
Geometri ve Topoloji
Daha genel arkaplan malzemesi
Matematiksel konular
Cebir ve Sayılar Kuramı
Eğitim ve Eğitim Bilimi
Ayrık Matematik ve Matematiğin Temelleri
Geometri ve Topoloji
Nümerik ve Hesap Analizi
Olasılık Kuramı ve İstatistik
Diğer alanlarla ilişkiler
Kimya ve Yer Bilimler
Bilgisayar Bilimeri
Mühendislik ve Teknoloji
Beşeri ve Sosyal Bilimler
Yaşam Bilimleri
Matematik Üzerine Düşünceler