Mathematics of Planet Earth, UNESCO, the International Mathematical Union (IMU), the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), and IMAGINARY are announcing the winners of the second international competition for exhibition modules for the Open Source Exhibition Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE). This project aims to showcase ways in which the mathematical sciences are useful for understanding our planet and addressing the challenges of sustainable development and global changes.Devamını oku
Inauguration of IMAGINARY in Tomsk, Russia
Inauguration of IMAGINARY in Tomsk, Russia
21 May. 2013
Visitantes en la inauguración de IMAGINARY en Tomsk
Today the sixth Russian IMAGINARY exhibition opens its doors in Tomsk, Western Siberia. It is coordinate and organized by the German Embassy in Moscow in collaboration with the Polytechnical University of Tomsk. It will be open for the public from the 21st of May until the 3rd of June 2013.
In the event page you will find images and more deails of the exhibition!