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Visualization of 4-dimensional regular tilings

This video shows the use of Tak4D to illustrate tilings in a 4 dimensional space. Three regular tilings are made, the first with hypercubes, the second with hexadecachorons and the third with icositetrachorons.

Tak4D is a tool for viewing and manipulating objects in a 4-dimensional space. It allows to apprehend 4D objects through 4 3D views.
These views can be projections or sections.

To access the tool:

Box models

With a box model, we can predict the future by simulating the complex interactions between different processes. The results are often surprising, even though the connections between the processes are well-known and predictable.


Navier-Stokes equations

The movement of balls, cars, and rockets can be explained mathematically. Similarly, the Navier-Stokes equations can explain and predict the movement of fluids, like ocean water, atmosphere gases, an oil spill, smoke, or Currywurstsoße.

