Jean Constant - Solitons
The Sine–Gordon equation is a nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equation. An interesting feature of the sine–Gordon equation is that it outline the existence of soliton and multi soliton solutions. Solitons are waves that act like particles. The evolution equations that govern solitons were found to be Hamiltonian and have infinitely many conserved quantities, pointing to the existence of many non-obvious symmetries (

Soliton #2
4 soliton figure created as a wireframe in 3DXplorMath. The soliton wireframe was imported and manipulated in several 3D and 2D graphic programs.
The thread of the visualization was to outline the image development process — from the original wireframe depicted on the draft paper pinned on the frame, to the 3D treatment on the background, to the final figure in the foreground positioned in front of a virtual easel - as a model in an art class.
The original title of this composition was “the artist’s studio”.