

Bienvenido al cofre de los descubrimientos IMAGINARY

The “IMAGINARY-Entdeckerbox“ (discovery box) is a project of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstituts Oberwolfach, with financial support from the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. The box contains a collection of various discovery ideas, software, films, 3D prints and images, with the aim of triggering discovery and experimentation with Mathematics. Similar to a game collection, the box offers a multitude of features which can be used by themselves or in combination, alone or in a group setting. The emphasis is on letting your curiosity and creativity loose, rather than having to follow step-by-step instructions.

The Mathematics behind the various pieces of content can be discovered playfully and interactively – it is yours to conjecture and construct new experiences. The modules are designed to prompt you to stretch your mathematical thinking and invite further exploration beyond the content of the discovery box.  

Such an investigative approach, be it with teachers, with a mathematician, or alone with the help of books, articles or even a white sheet of paper is an integral part of what it means to think mathematically. As such, the discovery box is designed particularly to appeal teachers and students, or the general public with an interest in Mathematics. 

The IMAGINARY project is funded by Klaus Tschira Stiftung, the 3D prints are from trinckle.com in Berlin. All digital contents can be downloaded for free via www. imaginary.org/entdeckerbox

Please note: The IMAGINARY-Entdeckerbox is so far only available in German language. Big parts of the contents have been translated to English, and others to Spanish. Please let us know if you are interested in helping us to prepare a a fully translated discovery box in your language.



Lo más destacado del cofre de los descubrimientos

× a live-DVD with the best software from both exhibits „IMAGINARY – through the eyes of Mathematics“ and “Mathematics of Planet Earth”, as well as the Cinderella software from the Installation from the Deutsche Museum. 

x The software programmes are: SURFER, Morenaments, Cinderella, 3D-XplorMath, Sphere of the Earth, Dune Ash, The Future of Glaciers, Bottles and Oceanography. All programmes can be started from the live-DVD!

× A book by late Russian Mathematician W. I. Arnold „Problems for Children of 5 to 15”.  

× four mathematical sculptures (3D prints) by Oliver Labs, amongst them the Barth-Sextic and the Dini-Surface, in cooperation with trinckle.com.

× the two award winning  movies »Dimensions« and »Chaos« on a DVD.

× free as long as in stock: IMAGINARY-catalog and an IMAGINARY-Poster set with 12 A2 posters of algebraic surfaces. 

× Craft sheets, 3D-glasses and more! 

Production costs and transparency

All contents of the IMAGINARY discovery box are available under a non-commercial open-source license.  This means digital contents can be downloaded for free and printed or produced for your own use. The discovery box is sold at production cost only, which is additionally kept low through partnerships and sponsors. In efforts to be transparent, here is a pdf with a list of contents and costs (in German), with possible changes reserved in the future. 

Comentarios y sugerencias

The IMAGINARY-discovery box is a dynamic project, which we hope will be further developed by the community. We welcome feedback on your experiences, comments, wishes and suggestions. 

Discussion forum