Specifications for Physical exhibits

Domingo, Junio 4, 2017 - 21:56


I’m planning on submitting a physical exhibit/hands-on module and have a few questions.


* Where can I find the instructions of other already submitted modules such as this one? : https://imaginary.org/hands-on/where-is-the-sun-at-noon 

* Just to confirm. We only have to send the instructions for building the module, not the module itself, right?

* Are there any restrictions on the total size a module should use?

* What about materials, or other requirements such as electronic devices, for instance a laptop, tablet, monitor or projector?

* Do you think we could get feedback by submitting on june 17th?

Dear José Daniel, I am Daniel Ramos, IMAGINARY staff. We just noticed that the instructions from all the Hands-on modules created by Centre-Sciences (author Michel Darche) are missing the documentation. This documentation exists but for some reason it is not on the platform. We are working on fixing that issue with the authors. It is really unfortunate, since these modules are the most representative hands-on modules of the MPE collection. However, I can guide you on any questions regarding the documentation. You don't have to send the physical module to participate in the competition. However, the module must exist and must be built somewhere. You have to send us pictures and, if possible, a video of you presenting the exhibit. After the competition, the jury will make a selection of modules to be exposed, and we may contact you to figure out a transport of the original exhibit. The documentation of the module that you submit must have at least two clearly identified parts (you can make two documents): 1.- Technical documentation, with the instructions to make your exhibit, dimensions, materials, process, etc. 2.- Didactical documentation, explaining how do you present the module to the public, your discurs, subjects to talk about, background information, etc. Both parts can (should) contain images, and we suggest that you make a video for the didactical presentation. There are no fixed restrictions on size, just imagine an exhibit like in a science museum. Something you can put on a stand or table, or a device taking around 1-2 m^2 of space in a hall. Materials are up to your well judgement. It should be safe, relatively affordable, attractive... It depends on what you are developing. For electronic devices, it is also up to you. Bear in mind that in most exhibitions there is no technician available 100% of the time to set up properly the system. If your hands-on exhibit contains an electronic part, ideally it should not require any setup on normal functioning. For instance, when you power on the module, everything auto-starts, no menu screen or operating system exposed. Also, if the electronics can be run into an embedded system (rasbberry pi, arduino, micro-pc...) it would reduce costs and maintenance. We will try to give you feedback if you wish, and you can even contact us beforehand with details of your project. The goal of the competition is to create and enrich a new open source exhibiton of Mathematics of Planet Earth. Try to make the best module for that goal, and if we can point you improvements, that will just enhance the result. Besides, the jury is independent from IMAGINARY staff, so you can't influence them ;) Best regards, Daniel Ramos IMAGINARY
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I’m planning on submitting a physical exhibit/hands-on module and have a few questions.


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