Winners of the second Mathematics of Planet Earth competition

Winners of the second Mathematics of Planet Earth competition
21 Oct. 2017

Mathematics of Planet Earth, UNESCO, the International Mathematical Union (IMU), the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), and IMAGINARY are announcing the winners of the second international competition for exhibition modules for the Open Source Exhibition Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE). This project aims to showcase ways in which the mathematical sciences are useful for understanding our planet and addressing the challenges of sustainable development and global changes.

An international jury evaluated the 28 submissions from 16 countries and will award a total of US-$ 8 000 of prize money to the three winners:

  1. Simulating the melting of ice caps
    Authors: Maëlle Nodet (University Grenoble 1), Jocelyne Erhel (Inria)
    Country: France, Category: Software

  1. Powergrid Dynamics Simulation
    Authors: Frank Hellmann and Paul Schultz (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
    Country: Germany, Category: Software

  1. EUHFORIA: modeling the dangers of the sun
    Author: Christine Verbeke (KU Leuven)
    Country: Belgium, Category: Film

There is no winner of the special prize for an African module yet. The jury decided that the competition remains open until August 31, 2018.

Special Honourable Mentions

Additionally, some of the submitted modules were chosen by the jury for an honourable mention. They will be part of the official MPE exhibition as well. This special MPE award goes to:

All submitted modules are part of the IMAGINARY platform and will be offered under the chosen license to be used in upcoming IMAGINARY exhibitions.


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