Bridges Short Film Festival 2018


Bridges Short Film Festival 2018
28 Jul. 2018 hasta 28 Jul. 2018
The National Museum of Science and Technology|Tekniska museet|Museivägen 7|Stockholm|SE

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The festival is part of the Bridges Conference. It presents an annual reel of mathematical short films, videos and animations that have been created for educational, corporate and artistic purposes, or just for fun.

You can submit your short film between April 15 and May 15, 2018.

More info here:…


Todos los eventos

2 Oct. 2014 hasta 30 Dic. 2014
1 Oct. 2014 hasta 28 Abr. 2015
20 Sep. 2014 hasta 24 Sep. 2014
17 Sep. 2014 hasta 19 Sep. 2014
15 Sep. 2014 hasta 21 Sep. 2014
5 Sep. 2014
12 Ago. 2014 hasta 20 Ago. 2014
7 Ago. 2014 hasta 20 Ago. 2014
19 Jul. 2014 hasta 10 Ago. 2014
18 Jul. 2014 hasta 19 Jul. 2014
30 Jun. 2014 hasta 2 Jul. 2014
20 Jun. 2014 hasta 31 Ago. 2014
11 Jun. 2014 hasta 15 Jun. 2014
31 Mayo. 2014 hasta 30 Dic. 2014
25 Mayo. 2014 hasta 30 Dic. 2014
21 Mayo. 2014 hasta 24 Mayo. 2014
10 Mayo. 2014 hasta 11 Mayo. 2014