
Call for Exhibits - Mathematics of Pandemics and Viruses


Call for Exhibits - Mathematics of Pandemics and Viruses



¿Cómo participar?

Send your concept proposal (up to three pages) to museumnet@imaginary.org.

MathsWorldUK and IMAGINARY are working together to build a network for mathematics museums worldwide. Its goal is to connect mathematics museums, to strengthen collaborations between them and to implement joint projects. As a first action together, a new call for exhibits is open, on the current hot topic of pandemics and viruses. Funding is available for the creation of the exhibit.

MathsWorldUK and IMAGINARY are launching a Mathematics Museums Network to connect mathematics museums and to strengthen the collabortions between them. The Network invites museums and partner organizations to submit exhibit ideas under the theme of “Mathematics of Pandemics and Viruses”.


Exhibits are physical interactive stations to engage with museum visitors. They can be hands-on, software-driven, and use any type of high- or low-technology. Ideally they are accompanied by explanations (text, audio, video, or through a live explainer on site). The exhibit costs should not exceed 50 000 pounds.


The selected exhibits will receive assistance in funding (at least 20% of the funding will be covered by the Mathematics Museum Network). Furthermore, the network partner IMAGINARY will join the implementation of the exhibit (offering services in user interface design, software development, and designing dissemination formats).


Please note that all rights for the exhibit will stay with the contributors. Preferences on further plans for licenses (sharing / open licenses) can be given in the submission.






 EXTENDED: October 15, 2020.


Who can participate

Mathematics Museums or a partnership of organizations working in mathematics outreach, among them at least one mathematics museum (or science museum with a mathematics section), preferably 2-3 museums collaborating.


How to participate

Send a concept up to three pages to museumnet@imaginary.org.

The concept should include:

  • Tentative name of the exhibit.

  • Short description of all partners and their responsibilities.

  • Description of the general idea and the mathematical content of the exhibit (including references).

  • Description of the technical requirements for the exhibit (hardware, software, building details).

  • Description of interaction with the exhibit from the point of view of the user.

  • Estimate of the required budget (hardware costs, personnel costs, etc.). Total cost should not exceed 50 000 GBP.

  • Rough time and action plan.

  • Planned use of the exhibit (where will it be shown, can it be rented/sold, open source and sharing license).



MathsWorldUK and IMAGINARY will jointly evaluate the entries and select the project to be funded. All participants will be informed by October 5, 2020.

Criteria are: 

  • Quality of partner consortium.

  • Quality of idea and exhibit concept.

  • Feasibility in implementation.

  • Innovation in theme and approach.



Please contact museumnet@imaginary.org for any questions. We are happy to guide you through the application process. We can also help you find maths museum partners for the call, please look at the mathematics museums map. Partners can also be future or planned maths museums.