
17 Mar. 2024 hasta 30 Abr. 2024
Centro Asociado UNED Zamora|Calle San Torcuato, 43|Zamora|49014|ES

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The exhibition “Imaginary. Una mirada matemática” arrives on March 19 at the Alhóndiga Building of UNED Zamora and will remain there until April 30, 2024.

The traveling exhibition tries to bring mathematics closer to all audiences in an attractive and easy-to-understand way through visualizations, interactive installations, virtual realities, 3D objects, and their algebraic geometry and singularities background.

The University Institute for Research in Mathematics and Applications (IUMA) of the University of Zaragoza is collaborating in this edition of Imaginary, which includes a program of activities with a series of talks, the exhibitions “Women of Mathematics” and “Mathematical Literature”, the photography contest “Geometry, nature and art”, the short story contest “Mathematics and geometry in words”, workshops and math films. The talks will be given by Antonio F. Costa (UNED), Juan Tarrés, Capi Corrales, and María Pe Pereira from the Complutense University of Madrid.



Todos los eventos

21 Nov. 2016 hasta 9 Dic. 2016
16 Nov. 2016 hasta 20 Nov. 2016
15 Nov. 2016 hasta 1 Feb. 2017
9 Nov. 2016 hasta 13 Nov. 2016
4 Nov. 2016 hasta 5 Nov. 2016
2 Nov. 2016 hasta 14 Nov. 2016
24 Oct. 2016 hasta 31 Mar. 2017
24 Oct. 2016 hasta 11 Nov. 2016
23 Oct. 2016 hasta 30 Oct. 2016
23 Sep. 2016 hasta 27 Sep. 2016
21 Sep. 2016 hasta 25 Sep. 2016
19 Sep. 2016 hasta 7 Oct. 2016
18 Sep. 2016 hasta 23 Sep. 2016
1 Sep. 2016 hasta 3 Sep. 2016