
IMAGINARY in Belgium


IMAGINARY in Belgium



¿Cómo participar?

Guided visits are offered at each of the 6 sites.   With the help of colleagues from the Mathematics Education programmes at Ghent University and KU Leuven,  mathematics teachers are offered tasks to be given to their classes during a visit at the exposition.



The organisers are grateful to all partners and institutions collaborating in this project. We express our gratitude in particular to the students at the participating universities for their help and to all staff members and IMAGINARY enthusiasts at the different sites who are taking up less visible but not less important jobs. Thank you all!
Paul Igodt (Coordinator)
Peter De Maesschalck
Mark Sioen
Stijn Symens
Stefaan Vaes
Marnix Van Daele
Mark Sioen, Stijn Symens, Marnix Van Daele, Stefaan Vaes, Peter De Maesschalck, Philippe Cara, Karel Dekimpe, Joris Van der Jeugt, An Speelman (local coordinators)
Johan Deprez, Gommaar Maes, Tania Van Damme (educational notes and tasks for teachers and pupils)
Peter De Maesschalck, Andries Vansweevelt (Dutch translation of Cinderella)
Andries Vansweevelt (Dutch translation of SURFER)
Paul Igodt, Stefaan Vaes, An Speelman (refereeing, translations, inDesign realisations)
Michiel Dumon (www.imaginarymaths.be / software implementation / IT )
Wim Van Hoof, Tessa Vanlook (administration)

IMAGINARY@Belgium 2015-2016 is a travelling exhibition organised by the Flanders Mathematics Olympiade, the KU Leuven and Kulak, the University of Antwerp, Ghent University, Hasselt University, the Free University of Brussels and the Belgian Mathematical Society.

The exhibition is built with over 35 splendid gallery prints,  12 uniquely beautiful 3D-prints of mathematical objects and 5 large touch screens offering interactive software to the audience.