A very small LED casts a shadow of a 3D printed globe onto a wall, illustrating stereographic projection. The globe can be freely rotated by a visitor, to see the changes...
Módulos físicos interactivos
In this hands-on set, MO-Labs presents its 3d print wireframe versions of some of the most classical symmetric solids for non-commercial use: platonic solids, archimedean...
This 3D print shows the Lawson surface which is the only known example of a minimal surface of genus 2, i. e., with 2 holes, in the 3-dimensional sphere.
This is the 3d-data for the 3d-printing of four small math sculptures, whose shape is described by precise mathematical formulas. All four represent classical mathematical curves or surfaces,...
C. F. Gauss (1777-1855) demostró que cuando se dibuja una refión de la Tierra en un mapa es imposible conservar todas las distancias. Pero...
¿Has notado que a mitad del día (mediodía solar) el reloj no marca siempre la misma hora? Anochece antes el 10 de diciembre que en el solsticio de invierno. Si se observa la puesta del sol todos...
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