Imaginary at XJTLU-Affiliated School at Suzhou


Imaginary at XJTLU-Affiliated School at Suzhou
May. 23, 2016 to May. 30, 2016

10.00 on May 23rd 2016

XJTLU-allicated school|Suzhou|CN

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Following the exhibition at XJTLU, the Affilicated School has exhibited the Imaginary gallaries, paper models and interactive software from 23rd May till 30th May 2016.

Following the exhibition at XJTLU, the Affilicated School has exhibited the Imaginary gallaries, paper models and interactive software from 23rd May till 30th May 2016.

Bianca, Rinus, Helen and Gang had been invited to XJTLU affiliated school to open the following exhibition at XJTLU. Presentations had been made for all these guests and Paper models had been done together with students of different grades from primary school to middle schools.


This exhibition was shown at XJTLU affilicated school untill 30th May 2016.



All events

Sep. 24, 2008 to Oct. 20, 2008
Sep. 7, 2008 to Sep. 25, 2008
Aug. 4, 2008 to Aug. 28, 2008
Jul. 7, 2008 to Jul. 30, 2008
Jun. 27, 2008 to Jul. 4, 2008
May. 28, 2008 to Jun. 25, 2008
May. 16, 2008 to May. 25, 2008
Mar. 9, 2008 to Apr. 10, 2008
Feb. 18, 2008 to Mar. 5, 2008
Dec. 9, 2007 to Jan. 17, 2008