


Programs are software modules that can be used at home, in schools, at exhibitions or in museums. They all work on standard hardware and have special settings and specifications for public installations, like kiosk mode, touch screen interface or support for novel hardware devices. The programs are the core element of this platform, visually attractive and highly interactive, enabling you to explore and to create mathematics.
Show programs from:

An app to explore numeral systems in different basis using coins.

Graphs (or networks) are geometric objects consisting of vertices and edges. We can build infinitely many graphs, but we can classify them in families depending on their properties, using what we call “invariants”. Discover how mathematicians classify graphs with this interactive app!

Play as a human or as an artificial intelligence to find out how human thinking differs from how an AI processes things. In which way does the human way of playing differ from the AI’s way of playing? What is the difference between ‘knowing’...

It’s your first day in your new job. Together we will attempt to lower the crime rate of your city. Click through the story and let us dive into a topic full of questions: Where are the limits to using artificial intelligence? How important are transparency and data safety for you? What...

An AI that uses Reinforcement Learning learns through trial and error by directly interacting with its environment. It’s similar to how humans and animals learn.

An exhibit to visualize and playfully discover the mechanisms of neural networks.

Use your finger to write a number between 0 and 9 in the left box. On the right you can see as which number the AI recognizes your input.

We sit in a self-driving car, controlled by an AI. All of a sudden, something unexpected happens. How is the AI going to react? Use the buttons to choose a scenario and see what happens.

An automatic speech recognition exhibit.
Push the “Record”-button and speak into the microphone. You can speak in German or English by selecting the corresponding language before recording.

A treasure chest lies at the deepest point of the seabed. You have a limited number of tries to find it. Special probes will help you. They tell you how steep and deep the seabed is at the current position.

Let’s play a simple game. Flip the cards to reveal numbers. You have 10 turns to reach the highest possible sum (from your 10 possible flips). On each turn you can either flip a new card, or choose one of the ones you had seen on a previous flip.

Have fun pretending you’re a piano virtuoso with the help of AI. Use the 1-8 numbered keys in your keyboard or touch the colored buttons to play a full 88 key piano. The more you pretend to be a real player, the better the AI will make you...

Move through the “Space of Pentatonic Scales” and create your own impressionistic style music by playing pieces by classical composers with only five notes.

Sound and its perception has a rich mathematical structure that allows us to understand and create sounds by mixing waves. The Spectrum of Sound is an exhibit composed of two parts: a synthesizer and an analyzer. This is the Analyzer part.

Hear sequences of numbers as if they were melodies!

Play a few notes on the piano or develop a rhythm on the drums. Try out how the Artificial Intelligence (AI) responds to your music. You can also experiment with different styles and speeds.

Dive into a multitude of topics that visualize the complex interrelations of melody, harmony and mathematics. Push the “play” button in each visualization and experience the effect of parameters.

Select an animation, press the “play” button and experiment with the parameters. Try to clap along.

Turn the wheel and get the colored dots moving. Listen carefully.

Insert new nodes and connect them. Change the corresponding sound by clicking on the node and select a new note from the scale. Define the note’s duration and apply the different embellishments. You can hear the results in real time.

Take the role of a conductor. Move your hand over the sensor on the desk and play with the volume and speed of the piece you hear. Move the slider to get support from our Artificial Intelligence (AI) musician.

Explore how we can represent the notes in a logical and useful way! The Tonnetz is a pictorial representation of the notes in the plane that reveal affinities and structures between notes and on concrete music pieces.

Which sounds can be called “notes”, and used to create music? This exhibit is an experimental platform to explore the characteristics of sound and scales.

Sound and its perception has a rich mathematical structure that allows us to understand and create sounds by mixing waves. The Spectrum of Sound is an exhibit composed of two parts: a synthesizer and an analyzer. This is the Synthesizer part.

Pink trombone is a model of the human vocal tract that synthesizes human voice from scratch, controllable with your fingers.

Snapshots are short texts on aspects of modern mathematics written by researchers visiting the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. With this Snapshot station, you can browse through all available snapshots by sliding horizontally and read the full snapshot by sliding vertically. Each...

Math to Touch is a collection of 16 small apps, each of them opening a little mathematical world to be explored.

Explore the science of cartography and the geometry of map projections.

MatchTheNet is a game about 3-dimensional polytopes for a single player. You will meet the five Platonic Solids and their best friends!

Inspired by the cover of the book Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter, this is an interactive game to exercise three-dimensional thinking in an interdisciplinary work with English, Spanish, French and Portuguese languages. The game runs on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.

Alpine glaciers have been shrinking for more than one century. This trend is expected to continue if the global warming progresses. Thanks to mathematical models, the future evolution of glaciers can be estimated.

Tsunamis are big oceanic waves that collide violently with the coast. Most often, tsunamis are created by earthquakes that produce a sudden change on the topography of the ocean seabed. This exhibit explains how tsunamis are modeled mathematically, and recreates simulations of historical...

A simple and elegant presentation of IMAGINARY films, for use in your exhibitions.

A simple and elegant presentation of IMAGINARY galleries, for use in your exhibitions.

Build a Formula Morph station and take the control on the instruments panel! Your mission: explore how algebraic surfaces change and merge as you tune the dials and adjust the levers.

Interactive viewer for constant mean curvature and constrained Willmore surfaces.

Circular shaped mirrors which are arranged in a grid-like manner reflect a light ray according to the reflection law of geometric optics. While random positions of the light source produce chaotic reflection patterns, it is possible to position the light source so that beautiful symmetric...

This project consists of five different “experiences” related to Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE): Cartography, Dynamical system, Wator, Temperature and Cellular automata.

Dune Ash is an interactive simulation of a volcano eruption in Europe. You can place a volcano, add a wind field and explore the ash cloud dispersing in time.

Experience this interactive program and fly through a quartz, fluorite, or diamond crystal. You can steer a miniature spaceship through the crystal structures using your finger on a touchscreen, also in 3D.

With Morenaments you can easily paint symmetrical patterns in one of the 17 symmetry groups of the Euclidean space. Discover geometrical properties and investigate their inner structure of spinning centers and mirror axes. Or feel free to paint in a creative way and experience how a few strokes...

With SURFER you can experience the relation between formulas and forms, i. e. mathematics and art, in an interactive way. You can enter simple equations that produce beautiful images, which are surfaces in space. SURFER...