IMAGINARY training for maths teachers and talks in Pakistan


IMAGINARY training for maths teachers and talks in Pakistan
Mar. 19, 2009 to Apr. 12, 2009
Beaconhouse School System|Gurumangat Rd|Lahore|54000|PK

Submitted by


Andreas Daniel Matt

In April 2009 Dr. Andreas Matt held several lectures on IMAGINARY in Lahore, Pakistan: one talk was given at the cultural center Lahore Chitrkar, another lecture at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). Additionally a teacher training workshop was organized for teachers at the Lahore Grammar School (LGS).


All events

Sep. 24, 2008 to Oct. 20, 2008
Sep. 7, 2008 to Sep. 25, 2008
Aug. 4, 2008 to Aug. 28, 2008
Jul. 7, 2008 to Jul. 30, 2008
Jun. 27, 2008 to Jul. 4, 2008
May. 28, 2008 to Jun. 25, 2008
May. 16, 2008 to May. 25, 2008
Mar. 9, 2008 to Apr. 10, 2008
Feb. 18, 2008 to Mar. 5, 2008
Dec. 9, 2007 to Jan. 17, 2008