
May. 2, 2012 to May. 23, 2012
Museo de la Cuchillería|Plaza de la Catedral Albacete|Albacete|02001|ES

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RSME-IMAGINARY is shown in Albacete in the Museo de la Cuchillería. The exhibition is open until June 6, 2012.

The Education Councelor of Castilla La Mancha, Marcial Marin, opened the exhibition on May 11th. For the first time for RSME-IMAGINARY all pictures in the exhibition were on the wall of a room. The local coordinator, Serapio Garcia Cuesta, is also the president of the Federation of Associations of Mathematical Tearchers, FESPM. The complementary activities, coordinated by Bernardino del Campo and Juan Martinez-Tebar and co-organized by the City of Albacete, focussed on education and culture. A public talk by Sebastian Xambo on Poetics and IMAGINARY was given at the exhibition site. 

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