DMV-Medienpreis 2013 goes to Gert-Martin Greuel and Andreas Matt

DMV-Medienpreis 2013 goes to Gert-Martin Greuel and Andreas Matt
2013년 10월 31일

The “Medienpreis Mathematik 2013” by the Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung (DMV) goes to Gert-Martin Greuel and Andreas Matt for their work on the project IMAGINARY. The prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to the communication and popularization of mathematics. The award comes with 4000 Euro prize money provided by the Walter de Gruyter Stiftung in Berlin.

The jury consisted of the two mathematicians Günter Ziegler and Michael Joswig and the two journalists Holger Dambeck, SPIEGEL ONLINE, and Christoph Drösser, DIE ZEIT – both of them former DMV Medienpreis winners.

Gert-Martin Greuel and Andreas Matt are awarded for their outstanding activities in the development and implementation of IMAGINARY, a project by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach supported by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. Jury member Holger Dambeck states that with unique software for everybody to visualize algebraic surfaces, with big media competitions, with worldwide exhibitions and with the internet portal “IMAGINARY – open mathematics”, the project evoke great enthusiasm for mathematics in Germany and abroad.

In addition to the media award, the DMV also gave a journalist award to Sven Preger for a radio feature on the mathematician Leanordo da Pisa (Fibonacci), and three cartoon awards to Oliver Ottitsch, Katharina Greve and Uwe Krumbiegel for their humorous cartoons on mathematics.

The award ceremony will be held on November 15, 2013, in Berlin. Please find the German press release with more information attached.

An important note for the IMAGINARY team: this award is due to the contribution of all team members and partners to the IMAGINARY project. We would like to especially mention Christian Stussak for his ideas, contributions in software development (SURFER, Formula Morph, et al.) and technical support for all exhibitions and programs, Christoph Knoth and Konrad Renner for the development and design of the IMAGINARY platform, Susanne Schimpf and Anna Hartkopf for their work on the platform, the coordination of exhibitions and events and the communication with our users, to Sebastian Uribe for his assistance in media work and organization. Also to the director of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Gerhard Huisken and all staff members of the Institute for their constant support and work on logistics, editing, communication and finances for IMAGINARY. And to all our IMAGINARY partners: among them especially the RSME in Spain with Sebastian Xambo, Antonio Campillo and their team for organizing more than 15 exhibitions and several museum installations and for being an integral part of the project, the German Embassy in Moscow for organizing 7 exhibitions in Russia, our partners in Argentina, Portugal, Serbia, China, Panama, Colombia, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, France, et al.

Thank you all!


More details on the prize:

Thomas Vogt

Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
Medienbüro Mathematik an der Freien Universität Berlin
Tel.: 030 / 838-75657


www. dmv.

More information:


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