
MaTiE - Mathematics Translations in Europe


MaTiE - Mathematics Translations in Europe




Are you an online or print publisher of popular mathematics articles in Europe? Do you have published artilces you think other countries might be intersted in and would be willing to offer them to be translated? Please contact us to become our partner at MaTiE@imaginary.org.



The Mathematics Translations in Europe (MaTiE) project is a collaborative project of popular mathematics communicators within Europe, with the aim to disseminate print and online media on popular mathematics within Europe, with a particular focus on availability of translations in as many European languages possible. The project is initiated by the Raising Public Awareness Committee of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and coordinated by its members in collaboration with IMAGINARY.


The “Translation Project” by Mathematics in Europe (MaTiE) started in 2013 and has three main goals:

  • To establish a network of media (web, print) working in maths communication in Europe.
  • To translate selected articles published by the network partners into European languages.
  • To share the translated articles within the network partners and this way foster an exchange between authors, publishers and the public in Europe.