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C∗-algebras: structure and classification
Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach
C∗-algebras: structure and classification
The theory of C∗-algebras traces its origins back to the development of quantum mechanics and it has evolved into a large and highly active field of mathematics. Much of the progress over the last couple of decades has been driven by an ambitious program of classification launched by George A. Elliott in the 1980s, and just recently this project has succeeded in achieving one of its central goals in an unexpectedly dramatic fashion. This Snapshot aims to recount some of the fundamental ideas at play.
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Mathematical subjects

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snapshots: overview
Mathematical subjects

Algebra and Number Theory


Didactics and Education

Discrete Mathematics and Foundations

Geometry and Topology

Numerics and Scientific Computing

Probability Theory and Statistics
Connections to other fields

Chemistry and Earth Science

Computer Science

Engineering and Technology


Humanities and Social Sciences

Life Science


Reflections on Mathematics