
Newsletter 2014/1

Apr. 23, 2014


This is the first Newsletter for the Math Communication Network, a project initiated by IMAGINARY aimed to professionals of math outreach. Learn more about it on the project website.


In this Newsletter
  • Conferences
  • Publications
  • New Math Museums
  • Network Services
  Conferences Ecsite annual conference 2014 (The Hague, Netherlands, May 22-24, 2014)

Ecsite is the European Network of Science Centers and Museums. This is the largest gathering on Science Museums in Europe. On mathematics, there will be a session “Complex problems, simple math: Rich tasks for communicating Mathematics” from Centre for Life (Newcastle, UK), a poster session from MMACA (Barcelona, Spain) and a poster session from IMAGINARY (Oberwolfach, Germany).


Bridges conference (Seoul, South Korea, August 14-19, 2014 )

The annual conference “Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science” is the wolrd’s largest interdisciplinary conference on mathematics and art. The conference includes art exhibitions and presentations of creative works of mathematics and art. This year, the conference is organized in collaboration with the ICM 2014 in Seoul.


ICM 2014 (Seoul, South Korea, August 13-21, 2014 )

International Congress of Mathematicians. Mostly for mathematicians and researchers,  but there will be also three special sessions on math outreach, ‘Math Education Day’, ‘Math History Day’ and ‘Math Popularization Day’. Participants of the Bridges conference can attend these sessions without additional registration.

IMAGINARY will set up a big exhibition at ICM, and makes a Call for Participation to the mathematical community to share their latest visualizations, films, 3d sculptures or software programs, to show the best new creations to the mathematicians visiting the ICM.


MATRIX conference (Dresden, Germany, September 18-20, 2014)

Organized by the Museum of Mathematics (New York) and Erlebnisland Mathematik (Dresden). It is aimed to representatives of math museums worldwide, and also to creators, designers and operators of math exhibits and other math outreach activities.


Maths Communication in Africa (Cape Town, South Africa, November 5-7, 2014).

Organized by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in South Africa and IMAGINARY. The objective of this conference is to exchange experiences in communicating mathematics internationally with a focus on the African continent as well as to plan concrete math outreach activities in various African countries.


Publications Universo.Math (México)

New online magazine in Spanish for the communication of mathematics, from Mexico (launched March 2014).


New Math Museums Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia

The Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia (MMACA) opened a permanent exhibition in January 2014 in Barcelona, Spain.


Matopía, a new permanent math exhibition opened in April 2014 in the Center of Art and Technology (Etopía) of Zaragoza, Spain.


Network Services

The following services are set for the community. More services will be added according to the needs and suggestions of the community.

Map of math museums

This is still under development. Once the list of open museums is reliable and accurate it will be advertised to the general public.


It is only for subscribed members, this is our first newsletter. It will not have a fixed regularity or length, and it is open to any member that wishes to make an announcement of a news or event. Please send us any information to be spread through this networking email and also let us know if you want your math outreach colleagues to be on this list.

Calendar of events

Under development. It will centralize a wide range of events interesting for professionals and also to the general public (an exhibition, a conference, a new museum…).  This calendar will be feeded from the network members, for advertising their events, and everybody will be free to copy and re-use the calendar on its own website.


There is an open document to collect ideas and suggestions. Feel free to add your thoughts about the project.

For any issues about the Network, you can email to network@imaginary.org or Daniel Ramos at daniel.ramos@imaginary.org


IMAGINARY is a project by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach and supported by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung.

Please read our privacy policy and legal notice. Image credits: Uli Gaenshirt and Bianca Violet