Mathematics of Planet Earth, UNESCO, the International Mathematical Union (IMU), the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), and IMAGINARY are announcing the winners of the second international competition for exhibition modules for the Open Source Exhibition Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE). This project aims to showcase ways in which the mathematical sciences are useful for understanding our planet and addressing the challenges of sustainable development and global changes.Weiterlesen
Ein Sommer voller Konferenzen
Willkommen zu einem Sommer - oder auf der anderen Seite der Erde: Winter - voller Konferenzen zu Mathe-Kunst und Mathekommunikation! IMAGINARY wird auf einigen von ihnen vertreten sein, auf anderen wären wir gern und hoffen, dass wir es beim nächsten Mal schaffen. Nachfolgend werden sechs bevorstehende Konferenzen im Zeitraum Juli bis September 2013 vorgestellt, von Österreich bis Argentinien, von den Niederlanden bis Italien.
BRIDGES Conference 2013 in Enschede, NiederlandeDiese internationale Konferenz zum Thema Mathematische Bezüge zu Kunst, Musik und Wissenschaft wird seit 1998 jährlich von der niederländischen Organisation Bridges ausgetragen. Während der Konferenz kommen Mathematiker, Wissenschaftler, Künstler, Erzieher, Lehrer, Musiker, Informatiker, Modellierer, Tänzer, Weber und Modellbauer zusammen und profitieren von einer lebhaften, ermutigenden und von gegenseitiger Inspiration geprägten Atmosphäre. Dieses Jahr findet sie vom 27.-31. Juli in Enschede, Niederlande statt.
IMAGINARY wird zwei ????? (papers) auf der Konferenz vorstellen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Veranstaltungsseite von IMAGINARY oder unter
Symmetry Festival in Delft, NetherlandsLet’s discover (dis)symmetries of the heartwarming city of Delft together from 2-7 August, 2013. The festival includes a scientific conference, workshops, exhibitions and performances with music, movement and multimedia. The Symmetry Festival is an event series organised by the Symmetrion under the auspices of the International Symmetry Association (ISA) and under the patronage of the UNESCO.
More information at:
This conference on creative maths education and communication announces several visionary tasks like the design of a new, innovative master’s degree program in mathematical science communication or a journal in this field. The conference also includes outreach and outback activities and will be held from August 2 - 10 at Charles Darwin University in Darwin, Australia.
More information at:
http://www. cdu.
The second conference of the European Society for Mathematics and the Arts (ESMA) will be held from September 18 to September 20, 2013 at the University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy. The main themes of the Conference are mathematical tools and software for the creation of artistic scientific visualizations, analysis of artistic works from the mathematical point of view and the pedagogical uses of scientific artistic works.
More information on the IMAGINARY event page or 7th International Conference of Mathematics and Design in Tucumán, Argentina
This international conference on Mathematics and Design will take place from September 2-6, 2013 at the Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina. The objective of this conference is to convoke designers and scientists from differents fields of knowledge, interested in the active interaction between Mathematics, Art and Design. It includes topics like mathematical design, audio-visuals, visualizations and mathematical art.
More information at:
http://www. maydi.
The board of the Austrian Mathematical Society (ÖMG) and the organizing committee cordially invite to the 18th International Congress of the ÖMG from September 22 to 27, 2013 to Innsbruck. This conference is also the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. The meeting takes place at Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. It includes a Teacher’s Day, a Special Session of the Universities of the Applied Sciences and several minisymposia, among them one on Mathematics of Planet Earth.
More information at:https://math-oemg-dmv-2013.uibk.