Mathematikon - Grand Opening of the Shopping Center

Mathematikon - Grand Opening of the Shopping Center
18 Feb. 2016

Today, the first mathematical shopping center opens in Heidelberg, Germany. The Mathematikon shops are integrated into the building complex called Mathematikon.

Together with mathematicians from 14 countries, IMAGINARY created the mathematical content and is also responsible for the exhibition design. A highlight is the 84 inch touch screen, which is mounted vertically and offers two different math games at the same time in different heights. It is suitable for all ages and the perfect family attraction. The apps and games are based on the Cinderella applets, known from many IMAGINARY exhibitions.

A mathematical image gallery with 13 big format prints and explanations is displayed in the general public area and the parking garage, providing unusual insights into different fields of mathematics. The conveyor belts at the cashiers in the super market invite you to playfully think about classic and modern mathematics. You can experiment yourself using the items you want to buy – juice packages, bottles, oranges, eggs… anything. There is even math in the bathroom: riddles are projected within the mirrors. Additionally, a 13 meter shop window presents a group of exhibits showing all kinds of polyhedra, starting with the platonic solids. Detailed descriptions explain the corresponding mathematical ideas and encourage you to look closer and think further.

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