Launch of the I AM A.I. Digital Exhibition

Launch of the I AM A.I. Digital Exhibition
10 Jun. 2020

On June 10 the interactive exhibition “I AM A. I. – explaining artificial intelligence” will be launched in a new digital format at Different “trails” introduce the visitor to core questions around artificial intelligence through means of images, videos, and experiments. The exhibits are targeted at everyone from the age of 12. From 2021 onwards, I AM A. I. will travel to several German cities as a physical exhibition. IMAGINARY conceptualized and developed I AM A. I. together with international partners. The Carl Zeiss Foundation generously supports both the physical and digital exhibition.

How does a neural network learn? Why is a computer able to recognize the words I speak? Can artificial intelligence be wrong sometimes? What are training data sets? Is it possible to do something without understanding it? These and other questions will be examined by the digital exhibition through several thematic “trails”. The trails include interactive software programs, images, videos, do-it-yourself experiments, and explanatory texts. The exhibition content is complemented by interactive video tutorials presented by an exhibition guide. You will be able to interact with neural networks, train an AI to recognize your handwriting, read an AI comic, and play games with an AI. You will be introduced to and intuitively guided through the gradient descent algorithm, which is one of the most important methods in AI. Virtual tours for schools will also be available free of charge.

The exhibition will launch on June 10, 2020, on, in English and German (more translations are planned) to accommodate an international audience. All content is available under open licenses and free to download.

Visit to learn more.

I AM A. I. was developed by IMAGINARY and finaned by Carl Zeiss Foundation.

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