
AIMS-IMAGINARY: boosting mathematics communication on the African continent

AIMS-IMAGINARY: boosting mathematics communication on the African continent
Oct. 10, 2014

The first joint AIMS-IMAGINARY event was organized in March 2014, where IMAGINARY participated in the 10th anniversary of the π-day celebrations in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (see pictures of the event and a blog entry here).

From October 14 - October 17, 2014, AIMS-IMAGINARY will be present at the second Ministerial Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Africa. The forum will convene at the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology in Rabat, Morocco. AIMS-IMAGINARY will organize a special booth and also presentations about its agenda for open and collaborative mathematics communication in Africa, with a focus on novel methods for mathematics teaching and outreach.

More details can be found here: http://imaginary.org/event/aims-imaginary-at-africa-sti-forum-2014

From November 5 - 7, 2014, a workshop-exhibition to share ideas and plan future scientific and educational public engagement/outreach activities with peers in Africa on maths communication will be organized by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), IMAGINARY and the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.

Concerted global efforts need to be made with peers in Africa to promote maths and science. The goal of this workshop-exhibition is to showcase interactive mathematics learning tools and jointly plan future activities. This event will be highly interactive and participative. It will include short presentations, working sessions on special activities, and on-going exhibitions to experience interactive mathematics and hands-on modules. Travel support is available for African participants through funding by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).

More details can be found here: http://imaginary.org/event/aims-imaginary-maths-communication-in-africa



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Register now!

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